- Native iOS cash register app designed to increase concessions efficiency with 1,000+ downloads
- 2017: Designed and created an iPad app for the concession stand at my high school
- 2019: Re-designed with an updated user experience and color scheme
- 2023: Released an iPhone version of the app
- Available on the iOS App Store
Chess Bot
Personal Website
- Learned Svelte while re-creating my personal website
- The code repo is public
on GitHub
Plate Game
- Created as a fun companion for road trips to help pass the time with friends/family
- Based on the game of seeing how many different state license plates you see on a road trip
- Available on the iOS App Store
- Web app for building interactive map games
- Created as an alternative to PurposeGames for my dad to use while teaching geography classes
- A live version is hosted on
Vercel and the code repo is public
on GitHub
- Web app allowing TAs to intuitively manage the queue of students with questions during TA
office hours
- Placed 2nd out of 21 teams at CornHacks 2021
- A live version is hosted on Firebase
and the code repo is public on GitHub
- A way to connect students in the right place at the right time to help their peers in need
- Placed 3rd out of 20 teams at CornHacks 2020
- A live version is hosted on Firebase
and the code repo is public on GitHub